Market research report on medical cannabis in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on medical cannabis in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2023 year
Number of pages: 18, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 3
Tables: 8
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
34700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General market characteristics
1.1 Market description (list of products and their applications, cultivation technologies in the world)
1.2 Analysis of market development trends (prerequisites for the adoption of laws, development issues)
1.3 Potential market size (calculated as the number of potential users, recommended consumption based on the state, benchmarking with markets in other countries and the average cost of medical cannabis products in other countries)
1.4. Estimation of the shadow market segment (current volume of cannabis consumption in Ukraine based on open data)
2. General market characteristics
2.1 Procedure for adopting relevant legislation
2.2 Analysis of supporting documentation for draft laws on the use of cannabis in Ukraine
2.3. identify additional arguments for market development
2.4 Procedure for registration of potential suppliers and possible changes based on international legislation
3. Main global market operators that can supply goods to Ukraine, analysis of goods available in Ukraine (open sources)
3.1 List of major global and European market operators and their structure (product groups, brands and assortment; regional representation)
4. Product range available on the global market (analysis of the market segments for medical cannabis products in Europe and globally to understand the demand potential after legalization in Ukraine)
5. Analysis of global prices for the investigational drugs
6. Branding and advertising in the world (analysis of competitors' positioning in the market, presence in promotion channels): social advertising campaigns, etc.
7. Market consumption analysis
7.1 Analyzing search queries
7.2 Structuring and segmentation of consumption
7.3 Demand for the product/service. Potential and expected market capacity (for details of the indicator, see paragraph 1.3.)
8. Sales channels (sales channels in Europe and analysis of potential channels in Ukraine)
9. Conclusions. Market forecasts
9.1 Conclusions and forecast market trends
9.2 Recommendations for market development
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1 SWOT analysis of the market area
10.2 PESTLE - analysis of market influencing factors
10.3 Existing risks and barriers to entry. Building a risk map of the market

List of Tables:

1. Disease statistics that may include potential medical cannabis users
2. List of medicines based on medical cannabis
3. Structuring the consumption of medical cannabis
4. Main sales channels in Europe
5. SWOT analysis of the medical cannabis market
6. PESTLE analysis of the medical cannabis market
7. Segmentation of market risks
8. Risk map for producers of medical cannabis and derivative products in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Analysis of consumption of medical cannabis products containing CBD in the US (billion USD, year 2022)
2. Analysis of consumer search queries for 2021 - 2023
3. Amount of medical cannabis sold on the European market (per capita, in US dollars, in year 2021)

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