Market reserarch report on medical services market for the rehabilitation of Kyiv and the agglomeration. 2023 year

Market reserarch report on medical services market for the rehabilitation of Kyiv and the agglomeration. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2023 year
Number of pages: 29, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 6
Tables: 15
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
45700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the private healthcare market in Kyiv
1.1. Analysis of market development trends (factors influencing the market, development problems) separately for the private healthcare market and ancillary segments
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity in 2019-2022
1.3. Segmentation and structuring of the market (by areas, districts)
2. State regulation. List of permits required to operate
3. Key market operators (Multidisciplinary clinics, paediatrics, rehabilitation)
3.1 Analysis of competitors in the market of medical services in Kyiv in general
3.2. Description of the main players in the ancillary services market
3.3 Market shares of the main market operators
4. The range of medical services of the studied segments in the market. Building assortment maps by segment saturation among the leading operators and in the market as a whole
5. Price and pricing in the market. Average current prices for services by type (primary, repeated consultations, laboratory tests, basic manipulations and packages of services in ancillary segments)
6. Consumers and their preferences
6.1. Analysis of consumers in the market
6.2. Assessment of demand for the researched services of private clinics based on
7. Conclusions. Forecast indicators
7.1. Conclusions and forecast trends in the market development in Kyiv and Ukraine as a whole
7.2. Building hypotheses of market development in the study area. Forecast of the private healthcare services market in Kyiv and Ukraine in 2023-2025
7.3. Recommendations for market development
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry
8.1. SWOT analysis of the customer's location
8.2. PEST-analysis of factors influencing the market
8.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. Market volume of medical centres in Kyiv and the agglomeration in 2019-2022 in monetary terms, UAH billion
2. Segmentation of medical centres by areas in monetary terms, %.
3. Key players in the medical services market in Kyiv
4. Map of locations of the main operators of the medical centres market in Kyiv
5. Key players in the ancillary services market
6. Assortment map of segment saturation among operators of the medical services market in Kyiv
7. Average prices for medical services in multidisciplinary clinics in May 2023, UAH
8. Average prices for medical services in spine and rehabilitation clinics in May 2023, UAH
9. Average prices for medical services in diagnostic centres in May 2023, UAH
10. Average prices for medical services in laboratories in May 2023, UAH
11. Structure of demand in the market of medical centres based on search queries in 2023
12. SWOT analysis of the customer concept
13. PEST-analysis matrix of factors influencing the market of private medical services in Kyiv
14. Segmentation of market risks
15. Risk map of the medical centres market in Kyiv

List of graphs and charts:

1. Segmentation of medical centres by districts of Kyiv in monetary terms, % 2.
2. Market shares of the main operators of the medical services market in 2020 in monetary terms, %.
3. Market shares of the main operators of the ancillary services market in 2020 in monetary terms, % 4.
4. Dynamics of search queries of medical centres in 2019-2023
5. Forecast of the market development of medical centres in Kyiv and agglomeration in 2023-2025 in monetary terms, billion UAH
6. Forecast for the development of the market of medical centres in Ukraine in 2023-2025 in monetary terms, billion UAH

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