Market analysis of selected medical devices in Ukraine. 2020 year

Market analysis of selected medical devices in Ukraine. 2020 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2020 year
Number of pages: 52 Arial, 1 spacing, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 44
Tables: 24
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
21450 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of selected medical devices market in Ukraine
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2017 - 2019 (history of development, specifics, problems, market influencing factors)
1.2. General market indicators, calculation of market volumes in 2017-2019 in volume and value terms (production + import - export) - estimated
1.3. Segmentation of the medical device market in Ukraine in 2019.:
1.3.1. by origin (in the structure of market volumes):
- Share of domestic and imported
1.3.2. by types of medical devices under investigation
2. Government regulation of the market
2.1. The main laws regulating the industry (list, brief summary and features of laws)
2.2. Taxes and fees in the market (general business taxation; import and export duties, plans to change them (if any))
3. Dynamics of the production of the selected medical devices in 2017-2019 - in the context of the studied groups indicated in the qualitative boundaries of the study
3.1. Dynamics of production in volume terms in 2017-2019.
3.2. Dynamics of production in value terms in 2017-2019 – estimated
4. The main operators in the market of researched medical devices in Ukraine (manufacturers and importers)
4.1. Main market operators and their description (list, brief description, contacts)
4.2. Segmentation and structuring of the main market operators (by segments, regionally)
4.3. Market shares of the main operators (based on the volume of import deliveries and production in the market)
4.4. Factor analysis of market shares of competitors
5. Foreign trade in the market of selected medical devices in Ukraine in 2017-2019
5.1. Export of products in 2017-2019 (volumes, structure by TM, geography of deliveries by countries, main exporting companies and their shares)
5.2. Import of products in 2017-2019 (volumes, structure by TM, geography of deliveries by countries, main importing companies and their shares)
6. Price and pricing in the market of selected medical devices
6.1. Current prices for the studied products in various distribution channels (in the context of the main market operators)
6.2. Description of factors influencing price formation, structure
7. Sales channels for products in the market
7.1. Analysis of existing distribution channels in the market (pharmacies, retail stores, specialty stores (online and offline): analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various distribution channels
7.2. Identification of promising distribution channels. Comparison and perspectives of individual channels
8. Consumer preferences regarding products, consumer portrait (B2B and B2G) - based on desk research. Analysis of Internet search queries for researched medical devices in Ukraine in dynamics for 2017-2019 – based on Google AdWords data
9. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
9.1Conclusions and Forecast Market Development Trends
9.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2020-2022
9.3. Recommendations on the feasibility and prospects of entering the market
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. SWOT – analysis market direction
10.2. PEST – analysis market direction
10.3. Market entry risks and barriers
10.3.1. Building a risk map in the market

List of Tables:

1. The main operators in the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products
2. Major operators in the surgical catgut market
3. The main operators in the market of adhesive dressings
4. Segmentation of goods of the main manufacturers of medical goods in the Ukrainian market
5. The main parameters for assessing the competitive environment in the market of medical devices in Ukraine
6. Assessment of the competitive environment in the market of adhesive dressings and similar products in Ukraine
7. Results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the market of adhesive materials and similar products in Ukraine
8. Assessment of the competitive environment in the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in Ukraine
9. Results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in Ukraine
10. Assessment of the competitive environment in the market of surgical catgut in Ukraine
11. Results of the assessment of the competitive environment in the market of surgical catgut in Ukraine
12. Export volumes of types of cotton wool, gauze and other similar products in 2017-2019, in volume, tons
13. Export volumes of types of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
14. Volumes of imports of types of cotton wool, gauze and other similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
15. Import volumes of types of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
16. Current prices in the market of medical devices in various distribution channels
17. Main distribution channels, examples, advantages and disadvantages..
18. Search queries on the Internet by researched medical categories 2017-2019
19. SWOT analysis of the market for cotton wool, gauze and similar products
20. SWOT analysis of the adhesive dressings market
21. SWOT Analysis of the Surgical Catgut Market
22. PESTLE - market analysis of researched medical devices
23. Segmentation of market risks
24. Risk map for the market of investigational medical devices in Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market volumes of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in Ukraine, in volume terms, tons
2. Volumes of the market of adhesive dressings and manufactured products in Ukraine, in volume terms, in tons
3. Volumes of the surgical catgut market in Ukraine, in volume terms, tons
4. Segmentation of the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products by origin in Ukraine in 2019, in volume terms, tons
5. Segmentation of the surgical catgut market by origin in Ukraine in 2018, in volume terms, tons
6. Segmentation of the market of adhesive materials and similar products by origin in Ukraine in 2019, in volume terms, tons
7. Segmentation of the medical devices market in Ukraine in 2019 by types, in real terms
8. Dynamics of production of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
9. Dynamics of catgut production in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
10. Dynamics of production of adhesive medical materials and similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
11. Dynamics of production of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2017-2019, in value terms, UAH million
12. Dynamics of catgut production in 2017-2019, in value terms, UAH million
13. Dynamics of production of adhesive medical materials and similar products in 2017-2019, in value terms, UAH million
14. Regional structure of production of products in 2018 in Ukraine, in volume terms
15. Shares of the main operators (manufacturers and importers) in the market of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in Ukraine in 2018, in volume terms
16. Shares of the main operators (manufacturers and importers) in the market of surgical catgut in Ukraine in 2018, in volume terms
17. Shares of the main operators (manufacturers and importers) in the market of adhesive materials and similar products in Ukraine in 2018, in volume terms
18. Export volumes of cotton wool, gauze and other similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
19. Export volumes of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
20. Export volumes of surgical catgut in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
21. The structure of export brands of cotton wool, gauze and other similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
22. The structure of export brands of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
23. Geographical structure of exports of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
24. Geographical structure of exports of surgical catgut in 2019, in volume terms, tons
25. Geographical structure of exports of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
26. The structure of the main exporting companies of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2019 in volume terms, tons
27. Structure of the main exporting companies of plasters and similar products in 2019 in volume terms, tons
28. The structure of the main companies exporting surgical catgut in 2019, in volume terms, tons
29. Volumes of imports of cotton wool, gauze and other similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
30. Import volumes of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2017-2019, in volume terms, tons
31. Import volumes of surgical catgut in 2017-2019, in volume terms, thousand tons
32. The structure of trademarks of imports of cotton wool, gauze and other similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
33. The structure of brands of imports of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
34. The structure of brands of imports of surgical catgut in 2019, in volume terms, tons
35. Geographical structure of imports of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
36. Geographical structure of imports of adhesive dressings and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
37. Geographic structure of surgical catgut imports in 2019, in volume terms, tons
38. The structure of the main importers of cotton wool, gauze and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
39. Structure of the main companies importing adhesive dressings and similar products in 2019, in volume terms, tons
40. The structure of the main companies importing surgical catgut in 2019, in volume terms, tons
41. The cost structure of companies producing cotton wool, gauze, bandages and adhesive dressings
42. Forecast for the development of the market for cotton wool, gauze and similar products in Ukraine in 2020-2020
43. Forecast of the development of the surgical catgut market in Ukraine in 2020-2020
44. Forecast for the development of the market for adhesive dressings and similar products in Ukraine in 2020-2020

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