Market research report on timber harvesting in Ukraine. 2023 year

Market research report on timber harvesting in Ukraine. 2023 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2023 year
Number of pages: 26, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Graphs and charts: 10
Tables: 16
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
25500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Characteristics of the situation in logging in Ukraine in 2019-2023
1.1 General description of the industry
1.2 Key indicators
1.3 The impact of the war on the raw wood market
2. Dynamics of consumption, processing, export commodity flows
2.1 Dynamics of consumption and processing
2.2 Export dynamics
3. The main players in the timber market
4. Principles of trading on the market
4.1 Wholesale and retail segments
4.2 Presence of "gray" volumes
5. Principles and mechanisms of price formation in the industry
5.1 Main price trends in the domestic market
5.2 Main price trends on the world market
6. Presence of internal and export restrictions
7. Conclusions

List of Tables:

1. Volumes of sales at timber auctions per month for 2023 in value terms, UAH million.
2. Volume of sales at timber auctions per month for 2023 in natural terms, thousand m3
3. Volumes of timber sales through stock exchanges for sale in 9 months of 2023, thousand m3 and million UAH.
4. Volumes of wood harvesting by types of forest products in 2019-2023. in natural terms, thousand m3
5. Volumes of wood sales by types of forest products in 2019-2023. in natural terms, thousand m3
6. Volumes of wood sales by types of forest products in 2019-2023. in value terms, million hryvnias
7. Volumes of timber harvesting in the regions for 2021-2022 in natural terms, thousand m3
8. Volumes of timber sales in the regions for 2021-2022 in natural terms, thousand m3
9. Volumes of wood consumption in 2020-2023. in natural terms, thousand m3
10. Volumes of wood processing in 2020-2023. in natural terms, thousand m3
11. Timber export volumes for 2019-2023 in natural terms, thousand m3
12. Volumes of harvesting and sale of forest products of the largest enterprises in the region for 2020-2023 in natural terms, m3
13. Volumes of harvesting forest products of the largest enterprises in Ukraine for 2020-2023. in natural terms, m3
14. Sales volume of forest products of the largest enterprises in Ukraine for 2022-2023. in natural terms, m3
15. Main indicators on the forest products exchange of the Ukrainian Universal Exchange LLC for 9 months of 2023
16. The main indicator on the forest products exchange LLC "Ukrainian Energy Exchange" for 9 months of 2023

List of graphs and charts:

1. Volumes of wood harvesting in 2020-2023 in natural terms, thousand m3
2. Volumes of wood sales in 2020-2023. in natural terms, thousand m3
3. The price of firewood without underbrush, 2019-7 months. 2023 in value terms, UAH/m3
4. The price of firewood without underbrush, 2019-7 months. 2023 in value terms, USD/m3
5. Shares of importing countries by volume of firewood in 2019 -9 months. 2023, in natural terms, m3, %
6. Shares of importing countries by volume of lumber in 2019 -9 months. 2023 in natural terms, m3
7. The price of firewood for "UEB" LLC in Ukraine, 2022-9 months. 2023 in value terms, UAH/m3
8. The price of firewood for "UUB" LLC in Ukraine, 9 months. 2022-9 months 2023 in value terms, UAH/m3
9. The price of round lumber for UEB LLC in Ukraine, 2022-9 months. 2023 in value terms, UAH/m3
10. The price of round lumber for LLC "UUB" in Ukraine, 2022-9 months. 2023 in value terms, UAH/m3

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