UK cinematography services market research report. 2017

UK cinematography services market research report. 2017
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2017 year
Number of pages: 19, Arial, 1 interval, 10 point
Graphs and charts: 5
Tables: 16
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: English
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Summary of the market analysis:

Great Britain cinematography is highly growing sector of British economy. British film industry is concentrated in London and the South East.

The number of companies involved in UK film industry has grown by 47 % since 2012. In 2016 there were more than 14 thousand cinematography companies.

The most substantial growth was seen in the number of video production (108%) and distribution (59%) companies, which might partly be explained by the rise in demand for online audiovisual content.

The film industry has made a continuous positive contribution to the UK balance of payments. This means that the UK creates film production more than imports.

Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of market of cinematography services in Great Britain
1.1. The trends of the market of cinematography services in Great Britain. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity (market capacity in 2012-2016). Selection of self-shooting services.
2. Description of the main market operators (large companies, freelance exchanges) - companies in London and the largest network players in the country
3. Consumption of products on the market (self-shooting services)
3.1. Portrait of the consumer according to the segment (advertising / video or photo on request, other sub-segments)
3.2. Potential volume of consumption (estimate based on current trends and demand on video)
4. Conclusions and recommendations. Forecast trends in the development of the film production market in Great Britain (selection of London)
5. Investment attractiveness of the industry.
5.1. SWOT-analysis
5.2. PEST- analysis
5.3. Barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

1. Number of companies involved in UK cinematography
2. Turnover of companies involved in UK cinematography, million GBP
3. UK film industry exports, million GBP
4. UK film industry imports, million GBP
5. Size of the film industry workforce, thousand people
6. Film and video production workforce by the type of employment
7. Production companies involved in five or more UK productions during 2013-2015
8. Description of TOP-10 companies involved in UK film-production
9. Regional distribution of companies involved in film industry, 2015
10. Direct competitors in the video and photography market of UK
11. Most popular freelance exchanges for photographers and videographers in UK
12. The potential volume on the UK video production market in 2016
13. SWOT- analysis of market
14. Calculation of the degree of influence of environmental factors on the cinematography market in Great Britain
15. Ranking of factors relative to the weight of importance and a description of their impact on the market
16. Risks in the market of cinematography of UK

List of graphs and charts:

1. Share of companies involved in UK cinematography, % of total number
2. Capacity of video production market of UK, million GBP
3. Regional distribution of companies involved in film industry, 2015
4. Revenue of video advertising in the UK in 2012-2016, forecast for 2017
5. Market capacity forecast for video production field of cinematography market in UK

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