Market research report on ceramic tile market in Ukraine. 2024

Market research report on ceramic tile market in Ukraine. 2024
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: April 2024 year
Number of pages: 17, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 1
Tables: 10
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
34700 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General market overview of ceramic tiles and other facing materials. Commodity boundaries of research
2. Ceramic tile market capacity
2.1 Wholesale market
2.2 Retail market
3. List of sellers (suppliers, manufacturers), buyers (consumers) of the product (product group) - potential competitors
3.1 Main market operators (manufacturers and importers)
3.2 Main buyers (consumers)
3.3 Potential competitors in the ceramic tile market
4. Assessment of the level of competition in the market of ceramic products. Distribution of market shares of market operators
5. Demand structure of the ceramic tile market
6. Description of barriers to entry into the market of ceramic tiles and other facing materials
7. Prospects and trends for the development of the ceramic tile market in Ukraine for 2024-2028.

List of Tables:

1. KVED and UKTZED codes of ceramic tiles
2 Openness of the ceramic tile market in Ukraine in 2021-2023, %
3. Estimate of the market volume of ceramic tiles and other facing materials in Ukraine on the wholesale market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand m2
4. Estimate of the market volume of ceramic tiles and other facing materials in Ukraine on the wholesale market in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, thousand UAH.
5. Estimate of the market volume of ceramic tiles and other facing materials in Ukraine on the retail market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, thousand m2
6. Estimate of the market volume of ceramic tiles and other facing materials in Ukraine on the retail market in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, thousand UAH.
7. Estimate of the capacity of the ceramic tile market in Ukraine in the retail market by region in 2021-2023, in monetary terms, million UAH.
8. Shares of the main operators of the ceramic tile market in Ukraine on the wholesale market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, %
9. The share of the main operators of the ceramic tile market in Ukraine on the retail market in 2021-2023, in natural terms, %
10. Index of concentration on the market of ceramic tiles and other facing materials in 2021-2023; concentration factor CR4
11. The main indices of competition in the ceramic tile market in 2021-2023;
intensity of competition, calculated on the basis of the degree of similarity of competitors' shares
12. Herfindahl-Hirschman index on the ceramic tile market in 2019-2023, %
13. Rosenbluth index on the ceramic tile market in 2019-2023, %
14. Assessment of the level of competition (high, moderate, insignificant) in the ceramic tile market in the period 2021-2023
15. Assessment of the development phase of the ceramic tile and other facing materials market
16. Regional structure of consumption on the market of ceramic tiles and other facing materials, in monetary terms, %
17. Expected cumulative average annual growth rate (CAGR) of production on the ceramic tile market in 2024-2028, in natural terms, %
18. Selection of influencing factors and their specific weight on the forecast price model
of ceramic tiles in Ukraine in 2024-2025

List of graphs and charts:

1. Rate of competition in the various product market of the affected segments in 2023: the intensity of competition, calculated on the basis of the degree of similarity of the shares of competitors, %

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