Market research report on the freight transport market (railway and road transport) in Ukraine. 2021 - 1 half 2022

Market research report on the freight transport market (railway and road transport) in Ukraine. 2021 - 1 half 2022
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: September 2022 year
Number of pages: 14, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 6
Tables: 8
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
20400 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of the prerequisites for the development of the freight transportation sector in Ukraine from February 24, 2022 (comparison with the APPR)
2. Trends in the development of the cargo transportation market in Ukraine
3. Main market indicators. Dynamics of freight transportation (separately road and rail transportation) in quantitative and monetary indicators for 2021-2022
4. Change in the work of individual market operators
5. Forecast dynamics of the development of the cargo transportation market in Ukraine, taking into account the current situation

List of Tables:

1. Waiting time for trucks at the main checkpoints, by country
2. Transportation of goods by rail and road transport in the period March-August in 2021-2022, million tons
3. The number of vehicles allowed through the customs border of Ukraine, thousands of units. in the period March-August in 2021-2022
4. The indicator of export-import of cargo transportation by railway in the period March-August 2021-22, million tons
5. The indicator of export-import of freight transportation by railway in 2021-22, in volume terms , $ million
6. Export-import indicator of freight transport by road in the period March-August 2021-22, million tons
7. The indicator of export-import of freight transportation by cars in 2021-22, in volume terms , $ million
8. The main operators of the market of freight transportation by road and railway tracks

List of graphs and charts:

1. Railway border crossings are available
2. The structure of the export of freight transportation by railway in 2022, %
3. The structure of the export of freight transportation by road in 2022, in %
4. Geography of freight transport imports in 2021, %
5. Geography of cargo transportation exports in 2021, %
6. Forecast of the dynamics of freight traffic development in the period 2022-2024

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