Market research report on geophysical services in Ukraine in 2021-1H 2023

Market research report on geophysical services in Ukraine in 2021-1H 2023
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2023 year
Number of pages: 14, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 1
Tables: 7
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
27200 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General Market Overview
1.1. Analysis of Market Trends and Development Preconditions
1.2. General Market Indicators, Evaluation of Service Provision Volume in 2021-1H 2023
1.3. Market Segmentation and Structuring (by Types and Regions)
Key Competitors in the Market
2.1. List of Major Market Operators and Their Structuring (General Information, Types of Activities and Specialization, Regional Presence, Significant Projects)
2.2. Market Shares of Major Operators (by Revenue)
Pricing and Price Formation in the Market
3.1. Average Current Prices for Services (Based on Tender Procurement Data)
3.2. Description of Factors Influencing Price Formation and Structure
Market Consumption Analysis
4.1. Analysis of the State and Indicators of Industries Using Geophysical Services
4.2. Consumption in the B2G Sector: Analysis of State Tender Procurements (Volumes, Regional Structure, Organizers, and Participants)
4.3. Consumption Structuring and Segmentation
Conclusions. Market Forecast
5.1. Conclusions and Forecast Indicators for Market Development
5.2. Market Development Recommendations
Investment Attractiveness of the Industry
6.1. SWOT Analysis of the Client's Company in the Market
6.2. PESTLE Analysis of the Geophysical Services Market in Ukraine 2021-1H 2023

List of Tables:

1. List of major market operators of geophysical services in 2022-2023.
2. Market share of operators by revenue in 2022, in monetary terms, thousand hryvnias.
3. Average price for geophysical services in 2023, UAH.
4. Major players in the category of government procurement in monetary terms, million hryvnias.
5. Largest customers of geophysical services by the sums of tenders in 2021-1H 2023, in monetary terms, million hryvnias.
6. SWOT analysis of the client's concept in the market.
7. PESTLE analysis of the geophysical research services market in Ukraine, 2021-1H 2023.

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of the geophysics services market in 2021-1H 2023, in monetary terms, million.

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