Market research report on rough wagon axles and rough bandages for railway rolling stock in the CIS countries. 2018 year

Market research report on rough wagon axles and rough bandages for railway rolling stock in the CIS countries. 2018 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: October 2018 year
Number of pages: 59, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 42
Tables: 29
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
22400 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Analysis of raw materials markets
1.1 Assessment of the raw material market, the main manufacturers of axle blanks and blanks for rough tires, nomenclature, output volumes and production capacities
1.2. Nomenclature
1.3. Validity of prices for axial blanks and blanks for rough tires;
1.4. Expected changes in offers, forecasts until 2023 for suppliers of axial blanks and blanks for rough tires
1.5. Estimation of average market prices for blanks for rough axles and tires
2. Analysis of product and service markets
2.1. Manufactured products: nomenclature, estimated output volume
2.2. Assessment of existing demand (main consumers and manufacturers of rough wagon axles and rough tires for railway rolling stock)
2.3. Assessment of existing offers on the market (main manufacturers, capacities and prices)
2.4. Assessment of the competitive environment and comparison of production / products with the main competitors in terms of quality and price characteristics
2.5. Dynamics of production, import, export for the last 5 years
2.6. Expected changes in supply and demand for rough axles and rough tires until 2023
3. Commercial risks

List of Tables:

1. Production of continuously cast billets of the studied assortment in the CIS in 2010-2016, million tons
2. Technical characteristics of the axial billet produced by Mechel
3. Specifications according to which the procurement of PJSC "Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant" is carried out
4. Capacities of the main producers of continuously cast billets of the studied assortment for railway locomotives and rolling stock
5. Output volumes of the main manufacturers of continuously cast billets of the studied assortment
6. Dimensions of the cross-section of the blanks of the investigated range
7. Chemical composition of OS grade steel
8. Proposed assortment of blanks of the studied assortment of the largest manufacturers (excluding contractual production)
9. Average prices for rough axles and tires in 2018 and forecast until 2023, euro/pc.
10. Average shipping prices in the CIS countries (September 2018)
11. Average prices for rough axles and tires in 2018
12. Characteristics of rough wagon axles according to axle type and drawing
13. Characteristics of rough locomotive axles according to axle type and drawing
14. Characteristics of draft locomotive tires
15. The largest consumers of rough axles (rolling stock operators)
16. The largest consumers of rough tires (rolling stock operators)
17. Growth of main cargo transportation by the Georgian Railway in the 1st half of 2017 and 2018, tons
18. Structure of inventory stock of the Moldovan Railway in 2013
19. Plan for the repair of locomotives and wagons of the Kyrgyz Railway in 2018-2020.
20. Estimation of the potential annual consumption of rough axles and tires from the existing freight car fleet
21. Evaluation of the potential consumption of rough axles and tyres, by car-building plants of the Russian Federation and Ukraine
22. Assessment of the potential consumption of rough axles and tyres, by car-building plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan
23. Nomenclature of the largest manufacturers
24. Supply prices for rough railway axles and tires in 2018
25. Evaluation of Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers of rough axles and tires
26. Comparison of the cost of energy resources in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
27. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2013-2017, in physical and monetary terms, tons and thousand US dollars
28. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock (axles, wheels, bogies and their parts) in 2013-2017, in kind, tons
29. Market Entry Risks

List of graphs and charts:

1. Prices for steel and for the raw material basket in 2008-2017, US dollars per ton
2. Dynamics of prices for ferrous scrap in 2017-2018, US dollars / ton
3. Price dynamics for pig iron (Brazil) in 2017-2018, US dollars / ton
4. Dynamics of prices for ferromanganese in 2017-2018, US dollars / ton
5. Dynamics of prices for ferrosilicon in 2017-2018, US dollars / ton
6. Steel production in the CIS in 2010-2016, million tons
7. Production of steel semi-finished products (continuously cast and rolled) from unalloyed steel in the Russian Federation in 2013-2016, million tons
8. Forecast of consumption of raw materials for rough axles and tires in the CIS in 2018-2023, thousand tons
9. Dynamics of prices for iron ore, coking coal and ferrous scrap in 2007-2017, US dollars / ton
10. Dynamics of prices for ferrous scrap and rolled steel in 2017, US dollars / ton
11. Iron ore price forecast in 2019-2030, USD/ton
12. Forecast for the production of continuously cast billets of the studied assortment, million tons
13. Dynamics of average world prices for steel products in 2014-2017, US dollars / ton
14. Dynamics of average world prices for iron ore in 2017, US dollars / ton
15. Dynamics of average export prices for square blanks (Russian Federation) 100-150 mm, FOB Far East, US dollars / ton
16. Dynamics of average export prices for a square billet (China) 150 mm, FOB, US dollars / ton
17. Dynamics of average export prices for steel scrap (Russian Federation), FOB Vladivostok, US dollars / ton
18. Dynamics of average export prices for steel scrap (Ukraine), FOB, USD/ton
19. Dynamics of average export prices for pig iron (Ukraine-USA), FOB, USD/ton
20. Dynamics of average export prices for pig iron (Ukraine-Western Europe), FOB, US dollars / ton
21. Dynamics of average export prices for ferromanganese (India), FOB, USD/ton
22. Dynamics of average export prices for ferrosilicomanganese (India), FOB, USD/ton
23. Estimated production of rough axles in the CIS, thousand tons
24. Estimated production of rough tires in the CIS, thousand tons
25. Production of freight cars in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2013-2017, thousand units
26. Fleet of Russian Railways, thousand units
27. Transportation of goods by the Belarusian Railways in the 1st half of 2018 by types of traffic, in physical terms, %
28. The structure of transportation of main cargoes by railway in Georgia in the 1st half of 2018, in physical terms, %
29. Main cost items for the production of rough axles and tires
30. Production of bandages and rings in the Russian Federation in 2013-2016, thousand tons
31. Production of rough axles in the Russian Federation in 2013-2017, thousand tons
32. Production of rough axles in Ukraine in 2013-2017, thousand tons
33. Production of bandages in Ukraine in 2013-2017, thousand tons
34. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock from the Russian Federation and Ukraine
35. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock from the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan
36. Dynamics of exports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock from other CIS countries
37. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock to the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus
38. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock to Georgia, the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
39. Dynamics of imports of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock to the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Moldova, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan
40. Growth rates of export and import of spare parts for locomotives and rolling stock in the CIS
41. Forecast of the production of rough axles and tires in the Russian Federation and Ukraine in 2018-2023
42. Forecast of demand for rough axles and tires in the CIS in 2018-2023

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