Market analysis of paper and cardboard packaging for food products (primary, secondary, transport) in Ukraine. 2024 year

Market analysis of paper and cardboard packaging for food products (primary, secondary, transport) in Ukraine. 2024 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: August 2024 year
Number of pages: 47, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 18
Tables: 28
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
26800 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Purpose and research methods
2. General characteristics of the market
2.1. Market description
2.2. Analysis of trends in the development of the paper and cardboard packaging market
2.3. Consumer trends in packaging and the forecast of their development
2.4. General market indicators, calculation of market capacity for each type of packaging in 2021 - 5 months. 2024
2.5. Market segmentation and structuring
3. State regulation of the industry
3.1. The main laws regulating the industry
3.2. Taxes and fees in the market
4. The main operators of the market - manufacturers and importers - in terms of types of packaging by material
4.1. List of the main market operators and their structuring
4.2. Market shares of the main market operators
4.3. Degree of competition and risks
5. Estimated production by types of packaging in 2021 - 5 months. 2024
6. Foreign trade and foreign trade in terms of types of packaging by material
6.1. Export of packaging for food products from Ukraine in 2021 - 5 months. 2024
6.2. Import of packaging for food products to Ukraine in 2021 - 5 months. 2024
7. Overview of the main assortment items in each segment of packaging with a focus on innovative types of packaging
8. Analysis of consumption of food packaging on the B2B market: structure of consumption by types of packaging and by types of food production
9. Conclusions. Predictive market indicators
9.1. Conclusions and forecast trends of market development and selection of the most dynamic segments
9.2. Construction of market development hypotheses. Forecast indicators of market development in 2024-2026.
10. Investment attractiveness of the industry
10.1. Analysis of market opportunities and threats for the further construction of a SWOT analysis
10.2. PEST LE - analysis of factors affecting the market and assessment of the probability and degree of their influence
10.3. Existing risks and barriers to market entry

List of Tables:

Table 2.1.1 Codes of types of researched products in the NPP and UKTZED classifiers
Table 2.4. The market capacity of paper and cardboard packaging for food products in Ukraine in 2021 is 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 4.1.1 List and characteristics of the main operators of the paper and cardboard packaging market of Ukraine (manufacturers)
Table 4.1.2 List and characteristics of the main operators of the paper and cardboard packaging market of Ukraine (importers)
Table 4.2.1 Revenue and market shares of the main operators of the paper and cardboard packaging market of Ukraine
Table 4.3.1 Evaluation of the competitive environment in the market of paper packaging according to M. Porter's method
Table 5.1 Dynamics of production of cardboard and paper packaging products by material in Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.1.1 Geography of exports of boxes, boxes, bags, packaging bags and other containers made of paper, cardboard, cellulose wadding or cloth made of cellulose fibers, used in institutions, stores or for similar purposes from Ukraine
in 2021 – 3 months 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.1.2 Geography of exports of labels and labels made of paper or cardboard of any type, printed or unprinted, from Ukraine in 2021 – 3 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.1.3 Geography of the export of paper impregnated or covered with a layer of plastic from Ukraine in 2021 - 3 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.1.4 Geography of export of paper and cardboard coated or impregnated with wax, paraffin from Ukraine in 2021 - 3 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.1.5 List and shares of the main exporters of the market of paper and cardboard packaging for food products of Ukraine in 2023, in terms of value, million UAH
Table 6.2.1 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4811590000 (coated paper and cardboard, impregnated or covered with a layer of plastic) to Ukraine by types in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.2 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4811900000 (other paper, cardboard, cellulose wadding and cloth made of cellulose fibers) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.3 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4819100000 (boxes and boxes made of corrugated paper or corrugated cardboard) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.4 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4819200000 (boxes, crates and folding boxes, made of non-corrugated paper or non-corrugated cardboard) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.5 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4819300000 (bags and packages with a width in the lower part of 40 cm or more) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.6 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4819400000 (other bags and packages, including conical (cone-shaped)) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.7 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4819500000 (other packaging, including envelopes for gramophone records) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.8 Dynamics of imports of goods under code 4821101000 (labels and labels made of paper or cardboard, printed self-adhesive) to Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.9 Dynamics of import of goods under code 4821109000 (labels and labels made of paper or cardboard, other printed) to Ukraine in 2021 - 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Table 6.2.10 List and shares of the main importers in the paper and cardboard packaging market of Ukraine in 2023, in terms of value, UAH million, %
Table 7.1 Overview of the main innovative assortment positions of the paper and cardboard packaging market of Ukraine
Table 8.1 Structure of consumption of cardboard and paper packaging in the B2B market by types of packaging and by types of food production in 2023, estimate, % of total sales
Table 10.1.1 SWOT analysis of the paper and cardboard packaging market
Table 10.2.1 PEST LE - analysis of factors affecting the cardboard and paper packaging market
Table 10.3.1 Segmentation of market risks by degree of influence and probability
Table 10.3.2 Map of risks in the paper and cardboard packaging market of Ukraine

List of graphs and charts:

Diagram 2.3.1 Respondents' preferences for packaging material
Diagram 2.3.2 Respondents' preferences by packaging characteristics
Diagram 2.5.1 Shares of the regions of Ukraine in the production of cardboard and paper packaging products in natural terms (in % of the total Ukrainian production) as of 2021
Diagram 2.5.2 Shares of domestic production of packaging products in kind expressed by origin and by type for 2022, thousand tons, %
Diagram 6.1.1 Dynamics of exports of boxes, boxes, bags, packaging bags and other containers made of paper, cardboard, cellulose wadding or cloth made of cellulose fibers, used in institutions, stores or for similar purposes from Ukraine in 2021 - 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Diagram 6.1.2 Dynamics of exports of labels and tags made of paper or cardboard of any type, printed or unprinted, from Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Diagram 6.1.3 Dynamics of the export of paper impregnated or covered with a layer of plastic from Ukraine in 2021 – 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Diagram 6.1.4 Dynamics of export of paper and cardboard coated or impregnated with wax, paraffin from Ukraine in 2021 - 5 months. 2024, in value terms, UAH million
Diagram 6.2.1 Geography of imports of coated paper and cardboard impregnated or covered with a layer of plastic to Ukraine in 2023 in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.2 Geography of imports of boxes and boxes made of corrugated paper or corrugated cardboard to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.3 Geography of imports of boxes, crates and folding boxes made of non-corrugated paper or non-corrugated cardboard to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.4 Geography of imports of bags and packages with a bottom width of 40 cm or more to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.5 Geography of import of other bags and packages, including conical (conical) to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.6 Geography of imports of other packaging to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.7 Geography of imports of self-adhesive printed labels and tags made of paper or cardboard to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 6.2.8 Geography of imports of labels and tags made of paper or cardboard printed by others to Ukraine in 2023, in value terms, %
Diagram 9.2.1 Optimistic forecast of the dynamics of the capacity of the packaging products market in Ukraine in 2024-2026, UAH million
Diagram 9.2.2 Pessimistic forecast of the dynamics of the capacity of the packaging products market in Ukraine in 2024-2026, UAH million

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