Analysis of the auto parts market in Ukraine. 2021 year

Analysis of the auto parts market in Ukraine. 2021 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: November 2021 year
Number of pages: 25, Arial, 1 interval, 10 skittles
Graphs and charts: 19
Tables: 17
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
22150 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the auto parts market
1.1. Analysis of market development trends in 2016-2020. (history of development, specifics, problems, factors influencing the market)
1.2. General indicators of the auto parts market. Calculation of market capacity (Production, import and export)
2. State regulation of sales of auto parts (license requirements, import duties, taxes)
3. The main market operators
3.1. List and description of the largest market operators in Ukraine (manufacture and importers)
3.2. Operator segmentation
3.3. Market shares of auto parts suppliers (without detailing by product segments)
4. Export of auto parts from Ukraine (Volumes in monetary terms, geography of exports, share of manufacturers)
5. Imports of auto parts in 2016 - 2020 (Volumes in monetary terms, structure, prices, geography of deliveries by country, major importers)
6. Conclusions, recommendations and forecasts
6.1. Conclusions and forecasts of market development
6.2. Market development potential. Forecast indicators of the capacity of the auto parts market in 2021-2024.
6.3. Market risks for foreign companies

List of Tables:

1. Dynamics of the auto parts market capacity in Ukraine in 2016-2020
2. Dynamics of the market capacity of bumpers and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
3. Dynamics of the market capacity of brake systems and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
4. Dynamics of the market capacity of boxes and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
5. Dynamics of market capacity of bridges with differential and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
6. Dynamics of the market capacity of running wheels and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
7. Dynamics of the market capacity of suspensions and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
8. Dynamics of the market capacity of radiators and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
9. Dynamics of the market capacity of mufflers, exhaust pipes and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
10. Dynamics of clutch market capacity and their components in Ukraine in 2016-2020
11. Classification of goods by groups according to UKT VED
12. Customs payments and taxes on auto parts in Ukraine for 2020
13. List of the largest operators of the auto parts market in Ukraine
14. Segmentation of operators by types of auto parts
15. Segmentation of operators in the regional context
16. Dynamics of export of auto parts from Ukraine in 2016 - 2020, UAH million
17. Dynamics of imports of auto parts to Ukraine in monetary terms in 2016-2020, mln hryvnia

List of graphs and charts:

1. GDP of Ukraine, billion UAH, 2016-2031, %
2. Structure of car imports to Ukraine by age in 2020, %
3. Structure of car production in Ukraine by purpose in 2020, %
4. Structure of cars in Ukraine by age in 2020, %
5. Structure of the auto parts market in Ukraine by origin, %
6. Structure of the auto parts market by groups, in monetary terms, %
7. Segmentation of the main operators of the market (importers) of auto parts in Ukraine by the volume of sales of goods in 2020
8. Segmentation of the main market operators (importers) of auto parts in Ukraine by the volume of sales of goods in 2020
9. Sales of spare parts in monetary terms by major regions in 2020
10. The structure of the market of suppliers of auto parts, in monetary terms,%
11. Dynamics of exports of auto parts in monetary terms by countries of destination and main exporters of products in 2017, %
12. Dynamics of exports of auto parts in monetary terms by countries of destination and main exporters of products in 2018, %
13. Dynamics of exports of auto parts in monetary terms by countries of destination and main exporters of products in 2020, %
14. Structure of exports in monetary terms by type in 2020, %
15. Dynamics of imports of auto parts in monetary terms by countries of origin and main importers of products in 2017, %
16. Dynamics of imports of auto parts in monetary terms by countries of origin and main importers of products in 2018, %
17. Dynamics of imports of auto parts in monetary terms by countries of origin and main importers of products in 2020, %
18. Structure of imports in monetary terms by types in 2020, %
19. Forecast indicators of the capacity of the auto parts market in Ukraine in 2021-2024, mln hryvnia

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