Market research report on competitive environment of the nasal filters and nasal dilators market in Europe. 2016 year

Market research report on competitive environment of the nasal filters and nasal dilators market in Europe. 2016 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: May 2016 year
Number of pages: 10, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pins
Tables: 8
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
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Detailed contents:

1. Product analysis (quality)
1.1. Appearance
1.2. Complete set (availability of different options for a complete set)
1.3. Dimension
1.4. Variability (filter / expander, or one thing)
2. Price analysis
2.1. Price for 1 filter (expander) included (proportional)
2.2. Total price per set
3. Promotion and marketing system
3.1. Availability of manufacturer's advertising on the Internet
3.2. Possibility to purchase through your own website
3.3. Prevalence in other online stores
3.4. Availability of products in offline retail
4. Reviews and recommendations (quality)
4.1. Availability of results of clinical studies confirming the properties of products (percentage of successful use experience, or general characteristics)
5. Calculation of the overall coefficient (essentially the price / quality ratio)
6. Conclusions and recommendations. SWOT analysis of a market player, taking into account the results of competitor assessment.

List of Tables:

1. Appearance of filters and expanders of operators in the segment under study.
2. The result of evaluating products in the market of nasal filters and dilators
3. The result of the assessment of prices in the market of nasal filters and dilators
4. The result of the evaluation of sales systems of manufacturers of nasal filters and dilators
5. The result of evaluating reviews in the market of nasal filters and dilators
6. Calculation of the overall coefficient of competitiveness of operators in the market
7. Calculation of the overall coefficient of competitiveness of operators in the market (taking into account the company's entry into offline retail and the publication of the results of clinical trials)
8. SWOT - market player analysis

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