Analytical note on the market of data centers and cloud services in Eastern Europe. 2018 year

Analytical note on the market of data centers and cloud services in Eastern Europe. 2018 year
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: June 2018 year
Number of pages: 75, Arial, 1 interval, 10 pt
Graphs and charts: 48
Tables: 20
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
Report language: ukrainian, russian, english
12500 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. General characteristics of the cloud services/data centers market (features, trends, problems, factors of influence) in 2016–2017. Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia)
2. Basic definitions and classification of the data center market in the studied countries
2.1 Classification and characteristics of Data Centers (with Level of reliability)
2.2. Classification of services and their characteristics - services, which are usually offered in the investigated countries on the basis of data of market operators
2.3. The main indicators for the market are an estimate of 2016-2017. - Value of data center market capacity in investigated countries in monetary terms (USD)
3. Cloud clouds market in the countries of the world of studies
3.1. Assessment of changes in market volumes and key indicators in 2016-2017. - Assessment of the capacity of the market of cloud services in the investigated countries in monetary terms (USD)
3.2 Market structure (IaaS, SaaS, PaaS) - estimated in money and % (USD)
4. Major market operators (providers, global players) in the countries studied
5. Split - cloud services vs DPC (features, differences, general and others)
6 conclusions and recommendations. Forecasts of market development by country in 2018-2020. - in the thunderstorms? Forecast of market potential in cash equivalent (USD)

List of Tables:

1. The structure of companies' spending on IT industry products in the world in general in 2016-2018, $ billion.
2. Classification of TIA-942 standards for data centers
3. Comparative characteristics of the number of Ukrainian data centers in terms of their capacity in units
4. Comparative characteristics of the number of Latvian data centers in terms of their capacity in units
5. List of certified data centers in Poland by the Uptime Institute at the beginning of 2018
6. Indicator of deviation of the Latvian data center market capacity assessment
7. List of financial results of the main Ukrainian cloud service providers in Ukraine in 2016, thousand UAH
8. Segmentation of Ukrainian cloud technology operators regarding the possibility of providing certain types of cloud services
9. Use of cloud computing services in Ukraine in 2016 by types of services and scale of consumer companies, unit
10. Cloud computing services that Latvian enterprises buy most often (in % of the total number of enterprises in the corresponding group of enterprises that buy cloud computing)
11. Segmentation of the main Latvian providers of cloud technologies regarding the possibility of providing certain types of cloud services
12. Key players in the market of data center and cloud technologies in Ukraine in 2018
13. Calculation of the rating of providers of cloud solutions in Latvia, assessment of the assortment
14. Key players in the data center and cloud technology market in Latvia in 2018
15. Calculation of the rating of providers of cloud solutions in Latvia, assessment of the assortment
16. Key players in the data center and cloud technologies market in Poland in 2018
17. Segmentation of the main Czech providers of cloud technologies regarding the possibility of providing certain types of cloud services
18. Key players in the market of data center and cloud technologies in the Czech Republic in 2018
19. Key players in the data center and cloud technologies market in Hungary in 2018
20. The number of DCs in the analyzed countries at the beginning of 2018, units

List of graphs and charts:

1. The structure of the Ukrainian market of data centers in terms of the declared level of reliability (Tier), for units in DCs of each type
2. Comparative characteristics of the number of Ukrainian data centers in terms of capacity, units
3. Geographical structure of the placement of Ukrainian data centers, the number of data centers in the city
4. The structure of the Latvian data center market in terms of the declared level of reliability (Tier), for units in DCs of each type
5. Comparative characteristics of the number of Latvian data centers in terms of capacity, units
6. Comparative characteristics of the number of Polish data centers in terms of their capacity in units
7. Geographical structure of the location of Polish data centers, the number of DCs in the city
8. The structure of the Czech data center market in terms of the declared level of reliability (Tier), % of data centers of each type
9. The structure of total data center areas of Hungary by main operators, m2
10. Market structure in terms of DC's ability to provide VDS/VPS service
11. The structure of the market in terms of the possibility of DC providing the service of hosting servers in a shielded module in Ukraine
12. The structure of the market within the scope of the DC's ability to provide additional data security services in Ukraine
13. The structure of the market in terms of the possibility of DC providing the service of concluding an SLA agreement in Ukraine
14. The structure of the market in terms of the possibility of DC providing the service of concluding an SLA agreement in Latvia
15. The structure of the market in terms of the possibility of DC providing additional data protection services in Latvia
16. Market structure in terms of the ability of Czech DCs to provide VDS/VPS services
17. Market structure in terms of the possibility of Czech DCs providing the service of concluding an SLA agreement
18. Uptime Institute list of certified data centers in Poland at the beginning of 2018
19. Dynamics of market capacity of data center of Ukraine in 2016-2017. (by racks), $ mln
20. Dynamics of market capacity of data center of Ukraine in 2016-2017. (by units), $ million
21. Dynamics of data center market capacity in Latvia in 2016-2017, $ million
22. Dynamics of the capacity of the DC market in Latvia according to the estimate of their occupancy (in units) in 2016-2017, $ million
23. Dynamics of Polish data center market capacity in 2016-2017, $ million
24. Dynamics of Czech data center market capacity in 2016-2017, $ million
25. Dynamics of the market capacity of Hungary's data center in 2016-2017, $ million
26. Dynamics of cloud services market capacity in Ukraine in 2016-2017, $ million
27. The share of companies that use cloud services at work among EU countries in 2016, in % of the total number of companies in the country
28. Dynamics of cloud services market capacity in Latvia in 2016-2017 in 2016-2017, $ million
29. Dynamics of the capacity of the cloud services market in Poland in 2016-2017 in 2016-2017, $ million
30. Dynamics of the Czech cloud services market capacity in 2016-2017, $ million
31. Dynamics of the market capacity of cloud services in Hungary in 2016-2017, $ million
32. Structure of the cloud services market in Ukraine, %
33. Dynamics of the structure of the cloud services market in Ukraine in monetary terms, $ million
34. Dynamics of the cloud services market structure in the world in money, $ million
35. The structure of the use of cloud computing in various directions by Ukrainian companies in 2016, unit
36. Dynamics of the cloud services market structure in Latvia by types in monetary terms, $ million
37. Segmentation of the Latvian cloud services market by direction in 2016-2017, in % of the total
38. Segmentation of the Polish market of cloud services according to the main types of cloud services
39. Dynamics of the structure of the cloud services market in Poland by types in monetary terms, $ million
40. Segmentation of the Czech market of cloud services according to the main types of cloud services
41. Dynamics of the structure of the cloud services market in the Czech Republic in monetary terms, $ million
42. Dynamics of the market structure of cloud services in Hungary in monetary terms, $ million
43. Market shares of Ukrainian cloud technology providers in 2016, UAH million
44. Market shares of data center operators in Ukraine in 2017 by their design capacity, units
45. Market shares of data center operators in Latvia in terms of their design capacity, units
46. Market shares of data center operators in Poland in terms of their design capacity, units
47. Market shares of DC operators in the Czech Republic, which provide open information, in terms of their capacity, units
48. Forecast of the development of the capacity of data center and cloud services markets in European countries for 2018-2020, $ million.

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