Market research of the cement market of Ukraine. 2007

Market research of the cement market of Ukraine. 2007
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: December 2007 year
Number of pages: 2, Arial, 1 interval, 10 font
Graphs and charts: 7
Tables: 11
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
450 UAH
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Detailed contents:

I. Main parameters of the market
1.1. Actual size of the market
1.2. Financial market size
II. Geographic structure of production, imports, exports, consumption
2.1. Production
2.2. Import
2.3. Export
2.4. Consumption
III. Commodity structure of consumption, imports, exports
3.1. Consumption
3.2. Import
3.3. Export
IV. The price structure of the market
V. Major players
VI. Characteristics and market forecasts
6.1. Characteristics of the market
6.2. Development forecasts for the next three years
6.3. Forecast for industry over the next three years
6.4. Risks of industry over the next three years

List of Tables:

List of tables:


1. The actual size of the market
2. Structure
3. Financial market size
4. Structure
5. The volume of exports of cement to the main countries
6. The volume of cement export to the main countries in 2007
7. Shares of major export countries
8. Cement manufacturing companies in the sector
9. Enterprises, which partly or wholly-owned by foreign companies
10. Enterprises,which partly or wholly-owned by domestic industrial and financial groups
11. Enterprises under the control of management



List of graphs and charts:

1. Proportion of  total cement production in Ukraine in 2007

2. Volumes of supplies of the main importers of Ukrainian market in 2007
3. The volume of domestic cement consumption at the Ukrainian market in 2007
4. The structure of cement consumption by sector in 2007
5. The structure of exports by cement producers in 2007
6. Dynamics of average prices of cement in 2007
7. The structure of Ukrainian cement market by groups of companies in 2007,%

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