Market research of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine. 2013

Market research of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine. 2013
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2013 year
Number of pages: 0, Arial, 1 interval, 10 font
Graphs and charts: 12
Tables: 4
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
1450 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. The market capacity  
2. Production of sugary soft drinks  
3. Foreign economic activity  
4. Shares of market operators  
5. Market structure  
6. Consumer preferences  
7. Price situation  
8. Market prospects

List of Tables:

1. The calculation of the market capacity of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms and money expression  
2. Dynamics of production of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms and money expression  
3. Consumer price for non-alcoholic beverages in Ukraine in 2008-2012.
4. Forward-looking indicators of market size of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in real terms

List of graphs and charts:

1. Market capacity of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms, million dal  

2. Structure of sugary soft drinks production by type of production in Ukraine in 2012 (in real terms),%   
3. Export and import of sugary soft drinks at the Ukrainian market for the period 2008-2012. in real terms, million dal   
4. The structure of sugary soft drinks exports from Ukraine in 2012 in real terms,%   
5. Structure of sugary soft drinks imports  in Ukraine at the end of 2012 in real terms,%   
6. Market shares of the main manufacturers of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine as of 2012 (in real terms),%  
7. Shares of major market operators sugary soft drinks in Ukraine as of 2012 (in real terms),%  
8. The market structure of sugary soft drinks in Ukraine as of 2012 (in real terms),%  
9. Structuring of household expenditures in Ukraine up to 3 m. 2012,%  
10. Structuring the consumer preference for sweet TM mineral waters in Ukraine up to 2012,%  
11. Structuring of consumer preferences for TM kvass in Ukraine up to 2012,%  
12. Forward-looking indicators of market size sugary soft drinks in Ukraine for 2013-2016. in-kind, million dal
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