Market research of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine. 2013

Market research of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine. 2013
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2013 year
Number of pages: 7, Arial, 1 interval, 10 font
Graphs and charts: 26
Tables: 49
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
5300 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Overview of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine  

1.1. Analysis of market trends, polypropylene and polypropylene bags in 2008-2012.  
1.2. General market indicators, the calculation of the market capacity of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in 2008-2012.  
1.3. Market segmentation and structuring of polypropylene and polypropylene bags  
2. Production and dynamics of the polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
2.1. The volume of production of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in 2008-2012. in quantitative terms  
2.2. Sales volume of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in 2008-2012.   
3. The main operators in the market of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
3.1. A list of the main operators of the market of their description (general description, assortment, pricing, financial performance)  
3.2. Structuring operators (Segment, groups, specialization, regionally)  
3.3. Shares of major market operators  
3.4. The degree of competition and risks  
4. Foreign trade in the market of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
4.1. Exports (volume, structure, pricing, sales geography of the countries)  
4.2. Imports (volume, structure, pricing, sales geography of the countries)  
5. Price and market pricing of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
5.1. Dynamics of prices of products on the market  
5.2. Description of the factors that influence the price formation, structure  
6. The consumption of polypropylene and polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
6.1. Consumer preferences regarding products, portrait of the consumer  
6.2. The main consumers of polypropylene and polypropylene bags Ukraine  
6.3. Structuring and segmentation consumption  
6.4. The demand for this product. The degree of consumer satisfaction  
7. Conclusions and recommendations. Forward-looking indicators of market polypropylene and polypropylene bags in the years 2013-2016.  
8. Investment attractiveness of the industry  
8.1. SWOT-analysis of market direction  
8.2. The risks and barriers to market entry  

List of Tables:

1. Indicators of the polypropylene market in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., in real terms, thousand tons  

2. Indicators of the polypropylene market in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., in real terms, mln.  
3. Indicators of market development of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., in rea terms, thousand tons  
4. Indicators of market development of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., in monetary terms, mln.  
5. A list of the main operators of the market their description  
6. Segmentation providers depending on the type of polypropylene: powdered, granular  
7. Segmentation of suppliers of polypropylene to the Ukrainian market, depending on the color of the granules
8. Sales volume and market share of the main operators of polypropylene in Ukraine in 2012  
9. Sales volume and market share of the main operators of polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
10. Dynamics of exports of polypropylene from Ukraine for 2008 - 2012 years.  
11. Dynamics of export supplies of polypropylene by country  
12. Dynamics of exports of polypropylene bags in 2008 - 2012 году  
13. Dynamics of imports of polypropylene in Ukraine for 2008 - 2012 years.  
14. Dynamics of import prices of polypropylene by country, th. / T  
15. Dynamics of imports of polypropylene per country in 2008 - 2012 years. in real and in money terms  
16. Dynamics of imports of polypropylene bags in Ukraine for 2008 - 2012 years.  
17. The variation in prices depending on the type of polypropylene bags and volumes for  
18. The main types of polypropylene  
19. The main types of polypropylene bags  
20. A list of the main consumers of polypropylene in Ukraine  
21. A list of the main consumers of polypropylene bags in Ukraine  
22. The scope of the polypropylene  
23. The scope of the polypropylene bags  
24. Basic types and designs of bags of polypropylene  
25. SWOT-analysis of the overall market of polypropylene and polypropylene bags Ukraine  
26. Key success factors in the market polypropylene and polypropylene bags  

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of production of flour in Ukraine in 2008 - 2012 years.  

2. Dynamics of production of cereals in Ukraine in 2008 - 2012 years.  
3. Dynamics of cement production in Ukraine in 2008 - 2012 years.  
4. Dynamics of production of lime in Ukraine in 2008 - 2012 years.  
5. Dynamics of production of nitrogen mineral fertilizers or chemicals in Ukraine in 2008 - 2012 years.  
6. Indicators of the polypropylene market in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In kind, thousand tons  
7. Indicators of the polypropylene market in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In value terms, mln.  
8. Indicators of market development of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In kind, thousand tons  
9. Indicators of market development of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In monetary terms, mln.  
10. The structure of the polypropylene market, depending on the manufacturer: domestic production, foreign production (in real terms,%)  
11. The structure of the polypropylene market, depending on the manufacturer: domestic production, foreign production (in terms of value,%)  
12. Rating of the most popular foreign brands of polypropylene in Ukraine in 2012, in real terms,%  
13. The structure of the polypropylene market, depending on the geography of suppliers in 2012 in real terms,%  
14. The structure of the market depending on the type of polypropylene in 2012,%  
15. The market structure of polypropylene bags, depending on the manufacturer: domestic production, foreign production (in real terms,%)  
16. The market structure of polypropylene bags, depending on the manufacturer: domestic production, foreign production (in terms of money,%)  
17. The market structure of polypropylene bags, depending on the surface density in 2012  
18. The structure of demand for certain sizes of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2012  
19. The structure of the Ukrainian market of polypropylene bags, depending on the scope of use in Ukraine in 2012, in real terms,%  
20. The structure of demand for certain types of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2012  
21. Dynamics of production of polypropylene in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In kind, thousand tons  
22. Dynamics of production of polypropylene bags in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In kind, thousand tons  
23. Dynamics of production of polypropylene in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In monetary terms, mln.  
24. Dynamics of production of polypropylene in Ukraine in 2008 to 2012., In monetary terms, mln.  
25. Segmentation providers depending on the type of polypropylene, homo, block, random  
26. Geographical segmentation of suppliers of polypropylene to the Ukrainian market in 2012  
27. Geographical segmentation of suppliers of polypropylene bags to the Ukrainian market in 2012  
28. Dynamics of exports of polypropylene from Ukraine for 2008 - 2012 years.  
29. Pattern of supplies of polypropylene, in real terms,%  
30. Dynamics of export prices for polypropylene in 2008 - 2012 years  
31. Dynamics of export prices of polypropylene by countries - importers, UAH / ton  
32. Exports from Ukraine in kind,% (2011, -2012.)  
33. Exports from Ukraine in terms of money,% (2011, -2012.)  
34. Dynamics of exports of polypropylene bags in 2008 - 2012 году  
35. Dynamics of export prices on plastic bags in 2008 - 2012 году  
36. Export prices for polypropylene bags by countries - recipients in 2012, ths. / Ton  
37. Geographic pattern of export supplies of polypropylene bags from Ukraine in 2012  
38. Dynamics of imports of polypropylene in Ukraine for 2008 - 2012 years.  
39. Dynamics of import prices for polypropylene in 2008 - 2012 years.  
40. Structure of imports of polypropylene by countries, in real terms,% (2011, -2012.)  
41. Structure of imports of polypropylene by countries, in terms of money,% (2011, -2012.)  
42. Dynamics of imports of polypropylene bags in Ukraine for 2008 - 2012 years.  
43. Dynamics of import prices of polypropylene bags for 2008 - 2012 years.  
44. Dynamics of import prices of polypropylene bags for 2008 - 2012 years.  
45. Geographical structure of imports of polypropylene bags from Ukraine in 2012  
46. The dynamics of world prices for polypropylene, EUR / t  
47. Structure of consumption of polypropylene in Ukraine in 2012, in real terms,%  
48. Forward-looking indicators of the polypropylene market in Ukraine for 2013 - 2016 years.  
49. Forward-looking indicators of market development in Ukraine polypropylene bags for 2013 - 2016 years.  

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