Market research cork in Ukraine. 2013

Market research cork in Ukraine. 2013
General characteristics
Date of Preparation: March 2013 year
Number of pages: 0, Arial, 1 interval, 10 font  
Graphs and charts: 11
Tables: 4
Payment method: prepayment
Production method: e-mail or courier electronically or in printed form
1650 UAH
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Detailed contents:

1. Market capacity of cork. Development trends.  

2. The market structure of cork Ukraine.  
3. Operators in the market of Ukraine cork.  
4. Dynamics of prices for cork stoppers in Ukraine.  
5. Conclusions. Forward-looking indicators of market development cork Ukraine.  

List of Tables:

1. The volume of production of cognac, wines and sparkling wines in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms  

2. Market capacity of cork in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms, tons  
3. The dynamics of the market price of natural cork in Ukraine in 2008-2012., U.S. $ per 1 kg  
4. The market price of natural cork in Ukraine, depending on its use in 2011-2012., U.S. $ per 1 kg  

List of graphs and charts:

1. Dynamics of production of cognac, champagne and sparkling wines in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms.  

2. The dynamics of the market capacity cork in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in real terms, tons  
3. The dynamics of the market capacity cork in Ukraine in 2008-2012. in terms of money, thousands of dollars  
4. Regional pattern of import of natural cork to Ukraine in 2012 in real and monetary terms,%  
5. The market structure of cork in Ukraine for use in 2011 in real and monetary terms,%  
6. The market structure of cork in Ukraine for use in 2012 in real and monetary terms,%  
7. The market structure of cork in Ukraine by the type of crust in 2008-2012. in real terms,%  
8. The market structure of cork in Ukraine by the type of crust in 2008-2012. in monetary terms,%  
9. Shares of major market operators cork in Ukraine in 2012 in physical and monetary terms,%  
10. The dynamics of the market price of natural cork in Ukraine in 2008-2012., U.S. $ per 1 kg  
11. Capacity forecast cork in Ukraine in 2012-2016 years. in real terms, tons  
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